What would space-faring Humans look like

(shamelessly stolen from /r/WritingPrompts ) Space travel has been a reality for 50+ years now, and we haven't proceeded to go anywhere other than the nearest ball of rock or very low orbit, because there's no reason to do so. No resource in our solar system…

HomeAssistant vs. Home+Homebridge

I'd like to preface this by saying that this makes absolutely no sense to even consider if you're not already in the Apple ecosystem with AT LEAST an iPhone and an AppleTV/iPad/HomePod to act as a Home hub so you can control things remotely…

The drama around Hogwarts Legacy

First, let me preface this by me saying that I firmly believe that trans women are women and that everyone should absolutely be accorded the choice in who and how they live their lives, and shouldn't be subject to some rich old white person's bullshit over…

The world of Ready Player One

So, just to be clear: this is not intended to be a review of the book.  There are plenty of them, and as this book (and its sequel, even) are no longer in the zeitgeist,  so if you're looking for a more review-y article, you might want to…

Backing up self-hosted Docker environments

Like many geeks, I've got a small home server setup that I use to host various services and information that I'd rather not farm out to a random company because the data is sensitive (password manager), expensive (file sharing), or just plain not something that'…

Oracle Cloud (OCI) site-to-site VPN and Unifi

Oracle Cloud offers a pretty great free tier, which is super useful for hosting hobby and other projects.  I wanted to set up a site-to-site VPN from home to the OCI resources so I could make pretty graphs and integrate them with some services I'm hosting from home…

WotC, MTG, and OGL changes

Edit Jan 27, 2023: It looks like WotC has decided to scrap this entire poorly thought-out plan (at least for now, while people are watching). Still, while this one looks like it has been resolved without any real pain other than the loss of trust Wizards rightfully deserves, most of…

Stop stealing Wordpress add-ons

WordPress is the most popular CRM in current use, and while I believe that most people don't need the vast majority of functionality that you get from WordPress and would be happier with both the ease of use of a static site generator and the much-reduced hosting requirements…